To: Parents of Prospective Elementary Football Players
Date: July 26, 2023
The Sleepy Eye United Elementary Football program looks forward to offering football to students again this fall! Teams will be separated according to grade level for students entering the following grades in the fall of 2023: 3rd/4th grade flag football, and 5th/6th grade tackle football. The SEU football program is excited to see the many new and returning players join us this fall! Our goal is to have each player experience the excitement of playing football. The game provides student-athletes an opportunity to grow mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally while learning and developing core values, character, and life skills. We had a great 2022 season, and we hope to build on that success in 2023!
Parents/guardians will need to register their child prior to participation. Registration forms are enclosed with this letter. Please complete the form and mail to Attn: Mike Petersen, PO Box 324, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085. Completed forms can also be emailed to
Practice Schedule
All practices will be held at the soccer fields by Eagles Park (west of the varsity baseball field).
All practices for the 5th/6th grade will be held from 5PM – 6:30PM. The first practice for 5th/6th grade is currently scheduled for Monday, August 21st. On Wednesday, August 16th, there will be a parent meeting/equipment handout at the SEPS elementary gym starting at 7PM for 6th graders and 7:30PM for 5th graders. Each student will start in the elementary gym for equipment and then move to the cafeteria for jerseys, checkout, and a short meeting. 5th/6th graders will practice three times per week on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights for approximately 8 weeks. Intersquad scrimmage and game dates will be announced at a later date.
3rd/4th graders will begin practice on Monday September, 11th. 3rd/4th graders will practice one day per week on Monday nights from 5PM – 6PM for approximately 6 weeks. An intersquad scrimmage date will be announced at a later date.
All communication will be sent using the ‘Remind’ messaging system. Remind is a safe text messaging system where coaches, players and parents can message back and forth. To join the 5th/6th grade group, please send a text message to phone number 81010 with this message: @sleepyeyeu. To join the 3rd/4th grade group, please send a text message to phone number 81010 with this message:
@seuflagfb. If you have any issues joining, please email Mike Petersen at and we will send you a link to join.
Please dress comfortably and bring a water bottle. Football cleats (non-metal) or athletic shoes are needed; all other equipment will be provided. One mouthguard will be furnished for 5th/6th grade participants.
The cost for 3rd/4th grade football is $25, and 5th/6th grade is $50. A t-shirt is included with the fee (completed registration form must be received within 2 weeks of the date of this letter to guarantee a t-shirt). Please drop your payment off at the participant’s respective school office. Checks can be made out to SE Community Education.
A sports physical is required for all 5th and 6th grade football players. Forms should be dropped off at the player’s respective school office. Reminder: a physical is needed every 3 years.
All coaches are volunteers that have been approved by the Sleepy Eye Saint Mary’s and Sleepy Eye Public activities directors. As of today, we are planning to have another great group of volunteers, including Andy Cook, Bob Schmid, Scott Maurer, Jeremy Braun, Chewy Montemayor, Chad Armbruster, Dan Schottenbauer, Steve Petersen, Johnny Cook, Brandon Havemeier, and Brent Kucera. Varsity football players will also help on occasion with 3rd/4th grade flag football when their schedule allows. We are still in need of additional adult coaches for both levels, so if you have a desire to help coach, please contact Mike Petersen as soon as possible.
We are excited about the start of another football season and invite you to join us! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elementary football coordinator Mike Petersen via phone at 507-766-4836 or by email at
Mike Petersen
SEU Elementary Football Coordinator
Bruce Woitas
St. Mary’s Activities Director
Cory Haala
SE Public Activities Director