Cell phones can provide great convenience. However, they also have many negative
effects. Cell phones have had negative effects on student behavior, mental health and
academic performance at Sleepy Eye High School. Sleepy Eye High School has
noticed a spike in these negative effects with students. As a result, a ban on student
use of cell phones during the school day was strongly considered. This is still a distinct
possibility depending on how students respond.
Student use of cell phones will be more limited than in the past for the 2024-25 school
year. Students will only be able to use their cell phones during their defined lunch
Outside of a student’s defined lunch period cell phones are not to be on person and
must be out of sight. Students can keep their cell phone in their locker, which should be
locked. Or, students can store their phone in their backpack.
Upon dismissal to lunch, students can get their cell phone from their locker, or their
backpack. When lunch is over, students need to return their phone to their locker, or
backpack until the end of the school day.
Should students choose to violate this expectation they have the same consequence
options as in the past.
● First violation
○ Confiscated for three consecutive days
○ Turn cell phone into the office daily until completing 10 hours of
community service
○ Pay a $10 fine
● Subsequent violations
○ Confiscated for seven consecutive days
○ Turn cell phone into the office daily until completing 20 hours of
community service
○ Pay a $20 fine
Here are some links to research based articles supporting the elimination of cell phones
during the school day.
Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help
As indicated, this will be the plan to begin the school year. Should we run into issues
with student cell phone use or, if we run into bullying/harassment of students by other
students, or “ghost” social media accounts that are making disrespectful posts about
staff, students, or the school, cell phones will be completely banned for the entire school
I understand this may take away the convenience of connecting with your child during
the school day. I do believe it will provide a better educational environment and
The main office is here to pass along any time sensitive messages that a student may
need. The phone number is 507-794-7904, extension 1129.
Please contact me with any questions at 507-794-7904, extension 1131.
Shane Laffen
Sleepy Eye High School Principal