Adopted: 6-18-98 MSBA/MASA Model Policy 614
Orig. 1997
Revised: 7/18/18 Rev. 2015
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the school district’s testing plan and procedure.
The policy of the school district is to implement procedures for testing, test security, documentation, and record keeping.
[Note: This listing of school personnel may not be consistent with the personnel in the school district and, consequently, should be amended to reflect the personnel with responsibility for testing in the particular school district.]
A. Superintendent
1. Responsibilities before testing.
a. Designate a district assessment coordinator and district technology coordinator.
b. The superintendent, or a designee who has been authorized to be the identified official with authority by the school board, pre-authorizes staff access for applicable Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) secure systems.
c. Annually review and recertify staff who have access to MDE secure systems.
d. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
[Note: This form is included in the 614 Form file of the Policy Reference Manual.]
e. Establish a culture of academic integrity.
f. Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) audits during testing.
g. Ensure student information is current and accurate.
h. Ensure that a current district test security procedure is in place and that all relevant staff have been provided district training on test administration and test security.
i. Confirm the district assessment coordinator has current information and training specific to test security and the administration of statewide assessments.
j. Confirm the district assessment coordinator completes Pre-test Editing in the Test Web Edit System (WES).
2. Responsibilities after testing.
a. Confirm the district assessment coordinator and Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System (MARSS) coordinator complete Post-test Editing in Test WES.
b. Verify with the district assessment coordinator that all test security issues have been reported to MDE and are being addressed.
c. Confirm the MARSS coordinator has updated all student records for Post-test Editing.
d. Confirm the district assessment coordinator has finalized the district’s assessment information prior to the close of Post-test Editing in Test WES.
e. Confirm the district assessment coordinator, or designee, has access to the Graduation Requirements Records (GRR) system and enters necessary information.
f. Discuss assessment results with the district assessment coordinator and school administrators.
B. District Assessment Coordinator
1. Responsibilities before testing.
a. Serve as primary contact with MDE regarding policy and procedure questions related to test administration.
b. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
c. Confirm all staff who handle test materials, administer tests, or have access to secure test content have completed the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
(1) Maintain the completed Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
d. Review with all staff the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure and their responsibilities thereunder.
e. Identify appropriate tests for students and ensure student data sent to service providers for testing are correct.
f. Establish district testing schedule within the testing windows specified by the MDE and service providers.
g. Prepare testing conditions, including user access to service provider websites, preparing readiness for online testing, preparing a plan for tracking which students test on which computers or devices, ensure accommodations are indicated as necessary, providing students with opportunity to become familiar with test format, item types, and tools prior to test administration; establishing process for inventorying and distributing secure test materials where necessary; preparing procedures for expected and unexpected situations occurring during testing; planning for addressing technical issues while testing; identify staff who will enter student responses from paper accommodated test materials and scores from MTAS administration online.
h. Train school assessment coordinators, test monitors, MTAS test administrators, and ACCESS (test for English language learners) and Alternate ACCESS test administrators.
(1) Provide training on proper test administration and test security.
(2) Verify staff complete any and all test-specific training.
i. Maintain security of test content, test materials, and record of all staff involved.
(1) Receive secure paper test materials from the service provider and immediately lock them in a previously identified secure area, inventory same, and contact service provider with any discrepancies.
(2) Organize secure test materials for online administrations and keep them secure.
(3) Define chain of custody for providing test materials to test monitors and administrators. The chain of custody must address the process for providing test materials on the day of testing, distributing test materials to and collecting test materials from students at the time of testing, keeping test materials secure between testing sessions, and returning test materials after testing is completed.
j. Confirm that all students have appropriate test materials.
2. Responsibilities on testing day(s).
a. Conduct random, unannounced visits to testing rooms to observe staff adherence to test security and policies and procedures.
b. Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or MTAS audits.
c. Contact the MDE assessment contact within 24 hours of a security breach and submit the Test Security Notification in Test WES within 48 hours.
d. Address invalidations and test or accountability codes.
3. Responsibilities after testing.
a. Ensure that student responses from paper accommodated test materials and MTAS scores are entered.
b. Arrange for secure disposal of all test materials that are not required to be returned within 48 hours after the close of the testing window.
c. Return secure test materials as outlined in applicable manuals and resources.
d. Collect security documents and maintain them for two years from the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
e. Review student assessment data and resolve any issues.
f. Distribute Individual Student Reports no later than fall parent/teacher conferences.
g. Enter Graduation Requirements Records in the GRR system.
C. School Principal
1. Responsibilities before testing.
a. Designate a school assessment coordinator and technology coordinator for the building.
b. Be knowledgeable about proper test administration and test security as outlined in manuals and directions.
c. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
d. Communicate the importance of test security and expectation that staff will keep test content secure and act with honesty and integrity during test administration.
e. Provide adequate secure storage space for secure test materials before, during, and after testing until they are returned to the service provider or securely disposed of.
f. Ensure adequate computers and/or devices are available and rooms appropriately set up for online testing.
g. Verify that all test monitors and test administrators receive proper training for test administration.
h. Ensure students taking specified tests have opportunity to become familiar with test format, item types, and tools prior to test administration.
2. Responsibilities on testing day(s).
a. Ensure that test administration policies and procedures and test security requirements in all manuals and directions are followed.
b. Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or MTAS audits.
3. Responsibilities after testing.
a. Ensure all secure test materials are collected, returned, and/or disposed of securely as required in any manual.
b. Ensure requirements for embargoed final assessment results are followed.
D. School Assessment Coordinator
1. Responsibilities before testing.
a. Implement test administration and test security policies and procedures.
b. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
c. Ensure all staff who handle test materials, administer tests, or have access to secure test content read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
d. Identify appropriate tests for students and ensure student data sent to service providers for testing are correct.
e. Prepare testing conditions, including the following: schedule rooms and computer labs; arrange for test monitors and administrators; arrange for additional staff to assist with unexpected situations; arrange for technology staff to assist with technical issues; develop a plan for tracking which students test on which computers or devices; plan seating arrangements for students; ensure preparations are completed for Optional Local Purpose Assessment (OLPA), Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA), and ACCESS online testing; ensure accommodations are properly reported; confirm how secure paper test materials will arrive and quantities to expect; address accommodations and specific test administration procedures; determine staff who will enter the student responses from paper accommodated test materials and scores from MTAS administrations online.
f. Train staff, including all state-provided training materials, policies and procedures, and test-specific training.
g. Maintain security of test content and test materials.
(1) Receive secure paper test materials from the service provider and immediately lock them in a previously identified secure area, inventory same, and contact service provider with any discrepancies.
(2) Organize secure test materials for online administrations and keep them secure.
(3) Follow chain of custody for providing test materials to test monitors and administrators. The chain of custody must address the process for providing test materials on the day of testing, distributing test materials to and collecting test materials from students at the time of testing, keeping test materials secure between testing sessions, and returning test materials after testing is completed.
(4) Identify need for additional test materials to district assessment coordinator.
(5) Provide MTAS student data collection forms if necessary.
(6) Distribute applicable ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Test Administrator Scripts and Test Administration Manuals to test administrators so they can become familiar with the script and prepare for test administration.
(7) Confirm that all students taking ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS have appropriate test materials and preprinted student information on the label is accurate.
2. Responsibilities on testing day(s).
a. Distribute materials to test monitors and ACCESS test administrators and ensure security of test materials between testing sessions and that district procedures are followed.
b. Ensure Test Monitor and Student Directions and Test Administrator Scripts are followed and answer questions regarding same.
c. Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or MTAS audits, as applicable.
d. Conduct random, unannounced visits to testing rooms to observe staff adherence to test security and test administration policies and procedures.
e. Report testing irregularities to district assessment coordinator using the Test Administration Report.
[Note: This form is included in the 614 Form file of the Policy Reference Manual.]
f. Report security breaches to the district assessment coordinator as soon as possible.
3. Responsibilities after testing.
a. Ensure that all paper test materials are kept locked and secure and security checklists completed.
b. Ensure that student responses from paper accommodated test materials and MTAS scores are entered.
c. Arrange for secure disposal of all test materials that are not required to be returned within 48 hours after the close of the testing window.
d. Return secure test materials as outlined in applicable manuals and resources.
e. Prepare materials for pickup by designated carrier on designated date(s). Maintain security of all materials.
f. Ensure requirements for embargoed final assessment results are followed.
E. Technology Coordinator
1. Ensure that district is prepared for online test administration and provide technical support to district staff.
2. Acquire all necessary user identifications and passwords.
3. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
4. Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or MTAS audits.
5. Attend district training and any service provider technology training.
6. Review, use, and be familiar with all service provider technical documentation.
7. Prepare computers and devices for online testing.
8. Confirm site readiness.
9. Provide all necessary accessories for testing, technical support/troubleshooting during test administration and contact service provider help desks as needed.
F. Test Monitor
1. Responsibilities before testing.
a. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
b. Attend trainings related to test administration and security.
c. Complete required training course(s) for tests administering.
d. Be knowledgeable about how to contact the school assessment coordinator during testing, where to pick up materials on day of test, and plan for securing test materials between test sessions.
e. Be knowledgeable regarding student accommodations.
f. Remove or cover any instructional posters or visual materials in the testing room.
2. Responsibilities on testing day(s).
a. Before test.
(1) Receive and maintain security of test materials.
(2) Verify that all test materials are received.
(3) Ensure proper number of computers/devices or paper accommodated test materials are present.
(4) Verify student testing tickets and appropriate allowable materials.
(5) Assign numbered test books to individual students.
(6) Complete information as directed.
(7) Record extra test materials.
b. During test.
(1) Verify that students are logged in and taking the correct test or using the correct grade-level and tier test booklet for students with paper accommodated test materials.
(2) Follow all directions and scripts exactly.
(3) Follow procedures for restricting student access to cell phones and other electronic devices.
(4) Stay in testing room and remain attentive during entire test session. Practice active monitoring by circulating throughout the room during testing.
(5) Be knowledgeable about responding to emergency or unusual circumstances and technology issues.
(6) Do not review, discuss, capture, email, post, or share test content in any format.
(7) Ensure all students have been provided the opportunity to independently demonstrate their knowledge.
(8) Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or MTAS audits.
(9) Document students who require a scribe or translated directions or any unusual circumstances and report to school assessment coordinator.
(10) Report any possible security breaches as soon as possible.
c. After test.
(1) Follow directions and scripts exactly.
(2) Collect all materials and keep secure after each session. Upon completion return to the school assessment coordinator.
(3) Immediately report any missing test materials to the school assessment coordinator.
G. MTAS Test Administrator
1. Before testing.
a. Read and complete the Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure.
b. Attend trainings related to test administration and security.
c. Complete required training course(s) for tests administering.
d. Be knowledgeable as to when and where to pick up MTAS materials and the school’s plan for keeping test materials secure.
e. Prepare test materials for administration, including objects and manipulatives, special instructions, and specific adaptations for each student.
2. Responsibility on testing day(s).
a. Before the test.
(1) Maintain security of materials.
(2) Confirm appropriate MTAS materials are available and prepared for student.
b. During the test.
(1) Administer each task to each student and record the score.
(2) Be knowledgeable about how to contact the district or school assessment coordinator, if necessary, and responding to emergency and unusual circumstances.
(3) Fully cooperate with MDE representatives conducting site visits or MTAS audits.
(4) Document and report and unusual circumstances to district or school assessment coordinator.
c. After the test.
(1) Keep materials secure.
(2) Return all materials.
(3) Return objects and manipulatives to classroom.
(4) Enter MTAS scores online or return data collection forms to the district or school assessment coordinator.
H. MARSS Coordinator
1. Responsibilities before testing.
a. Confirm all eligible students have unique state student identification (SSID) or MARSS numbers.
b. Ensure English language and special education designations are current and correct for students testing based on those designations.
c. Submit MARSS data on an ongoing basis to ensure accurate student demographic and enrollment information.
2. Responsibilities after testing.
a. Ensure accurate enrollment of students in schools during the accountability windows.
b. Ensure MARSS identifying characteristics are correct, especially for any student not taking an accountability test.
c. Work with district assessment coordinator to edit discrepancies during the Post-test Edit window in Test WES.
A. Test Security Procedures will be adopted by school district administration.
[Note: A sample procedure that has been approved by MDE is included in the 614 Form file of the Policy Reference Manual.]
B. Students will be informed of the following:
1. The importance of test security;
2. Expectation that students will keep test content secure;
3. Expectation that students will act with honesty and integrity during test administration;
4. Availability of the online Test Security Tip Line on the MDE website for reporting suspected incidents of cheating or other improper or unethical behavior.
C. Staff will be informed of the following:
1. Availability of the online Test Security Tip Line on the MDE website for reporting suspected incidents of cheating or other improper or unethical behavior.
2. Other contact information and options for reporting security concerns.
A. The school district shall maintain records necessary for program audits conducted by MDE. The records must include documentation consisting of the following:
1. Signed Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure forms must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic year in which the testing took place.
2. School district security checklists provided in the test materials shipment must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
3. School security checklists provided in the test materials shipment must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
4. Test Monitor Test Materials Security Checklist provided for each group of students assigned to a test monitor must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
[Note: This form is included in the 614 Form file of the Policy Reference Manual.]
5. ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Packing List and Security Checklist provided in the test materials shipment must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
6. Documentation of school district staff training on test administration and test security must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
7. Test Security Notification must be maintained for two years after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
8. Test Administration Report must be maintained for one year after the end of the academic school year in which testing took place.
9. Record of staff trainings and test-specific trainings must be maintained for one year after the end of the academic year in which testing took place.
Legal References: Minn. Stat. § 13.34 (Examination Data)
Minn. Stat. § 120B.11 (School District Process)
Minn. Stat. § 120B.30 (Statewide Testing and Reporting System)
Minn. Stat. § 120B.36, Subd. 2 (Adequate Yearly Progress)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0010-3501.0180 (Graduation Standards – Mathematics and Reading) 1(repealed Minn. L. 2013, Ch. 116, Art. 2, § 22)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0200-3501.0290 (Graduation Standards – Written Composition) 1(repealed Minn. L. 2013, Ch. 116, Art. 2, § 22)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0640-3501.0655 (Academic Standards for Language Arts)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0700-3501.0745 (Academic Standards for Mathematics)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0800-3501.0815 (Academic Standards for the Arts)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0900-3501.0955 (Academic Standards in Science)
Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1000-3501.1190 (Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma) 1(repealed Minn. L. 2013, Ch. 116, Art. 2, § 22)
1Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1300-3501.1345 (Academic Standards for Social Studies)
20 U.S.C. § 6301, et seq. (Every Student Succeeds Act)
Cross References: MSBA/MASA Model Policy 601 (School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 613 (Graduation Requirements)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 615 (Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 616 (School District System Accountability)