High School Announcements


Tuesday 9/10 – Rhyme without Reason Day 
Wednesday 9/11 – Hawaiian Day
Thursday 9/12 – Class Color Day
        7th grade – green, 8th grade – red, 9th grade – blue, 10th grade – orange, 11th grade – white, 12th grade – black Friday 9/13 – School Spirit Day

CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS are to be excused are 1:20 TODAY for a meet in
Norwood/Young America. Bus leaves at 1:35.

Emmett’s CDE Practice @7:20am
TUESDAY – National Quiz Bowl
FRIDAY – Horse

DETENTION will be on Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 3:05-4:00 pm with Mrs. Stevensen in
Room #207.

FFA Jr. Officer Applications:
Reminder Jr. Officer Applications are due Thursday September 12th. Please return to

SLEEPY EYE UNITED FOOTBALL reopened their clothing store for anyone
interested.  NOTE: There are multiple logos available and some cheerleading apparel as

Personal laptops can be used by students for college classes only.

Students going to the nurse must have a pass.  Students should not walk through the
elementary lobby to get to the nurse.  Instead students should take the back hallway past the elementary gym and walk around the elementary library and maker space area to the elementary office door.

Alacarte for high school started 9-4 during mid-morning break and lunch.  Students can
use cash or their account (if there is money in there).  Cash will have to be exact for now.

Registration for Fall Driver’s Ed Classroom sessions is open. Starting day is Sunday,
September 15, 6 p.m. in Room 134. Applications are available in the High School Office and
due by September 13. Sessions will be held on Sunday evenings and Saturday mornings.

Anyone in grades 7-9 interested in signing up for Junior High Knowledge Bowl should
sign up in the HS Office by September 19th.  If you have any questions come talk to Mrs.
Berkner or Mr. Vangsness.

7th – 12th FFA Grade FFA Drive-In Movie Night!
·      Saturday, September 30
·      Behind the school next to the Ag shop at 8:00 pm
·      Outdoor games followed by a Movie at Dusk
·      Free Popcorn, Drinks, and Treats!
·      Bring Vehicle or Lawn Chair, Blankets, etc.!

YEARBOOKS are here! Go to Ms. Hedlund’s Room #204 to pick yours up or to buy one!