Mrs. Sheri Okerman
507-794-7903 x1414
The area of Emotional Behavior Disabilities (otherwise known as EBD) is one of the 11 categories under the area of Special Education. Students who struggle with behavioral and emotional school challenges may qualify for services in this area.
EBD Resource Room
Students who access the Emotional Behavioral Resource Room are provided services which include: self-esteem building, learning coping skills and relaxation techniques, organizational skills, time management skills, on-task behaviors, friendship skills, and study skills. The focus of the program is on character building as students learn about the essential assets of: caring, citizenship, respect, safety cooperation, fairness, honesty, forgiveness, responsibility, and relationships. As the students learn and grow they are supported positively in the school setting with the focus of their programing revolving around building on their strengths and learning how to work with their challenges.
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