Bullying Prohibition Policy Summary

The Sleepy Eye Public Schools enacted a Bullying Prohibition Policy designed to  prevent and  respond  to  incidents  of  bullying,  cyberbullying, and  related  prohibited conduct. The  Policy  prohibits  any  act  of  bullying  on  school  premises,  school  district property, at school functions or activities, or on school transportation.  School  policy also applies to an act of cyberbullying that occurs on school premises or through the use of school resources as well as cyberbullying that occurs off school premises to the extent  such acts substantially and materially disrupt student learning or the school environment.   Retaliation for asserting, alleging, reporting or providing information about an act of bullying or cyberbullying or knowingly making a false report of bullying similarly is prohibited.

The Sleepy Eye Public School District encourages students, parents, employees and others impacted  by bullying to work together to intervene and prevent such acts. Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of bullying or similar prohibited conduct under the Policy or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute bullying should report the alleged acts immediately to the building principal.

Superintendent/Elementary Principal
John Cselvoszki
Contact Form

High School Principal
Shane Laffen
Contact Form

The School District takes bullying concerns seriously and will conduct an investigation  of any report of bullying.  Students, employees or other individuals who violate this Policy will be subject to consequences pursuant to school policies.

A complete copy of the Bullying Prohibition Policy may be found at https://sleepyeyeschools.com/safe-and-supportive-schools-information/