Sleepy Eye United Junior High Football 7-8

July 26, 2023

 Hello, hopefully you are considering playing Sleepy Eye United Junior High Football this fall!  We are excited to start a new season of Football in Sleepy Eye!

In this letter you’ll find important dates and other information that you’ll find helpful.  We are looking forward to working with you this season.  Below are some important things to consider before the beginning of practice in August.

  • Get a pair of football shoes or any molded shoe will do.  If you get a new pair, be sure to break them in before our first practice.
  • Get your physical now if you need one or have not had one yet.  You need one every three years.
  • Do some running and conditioning on your own or with your friends.
  • Get a ball and pass it around with your friends to get you, and them, excited about the upcoming season.
  • Football fee is $75.  You may have a reduction in your fee. ($40.00 fee for free and reduced lunch)
  • Each participant must complete their school rules registration packets or online signatures in order to participate (SEPS kids everything is online)
  • School is your first priority.  We expect you to do your best in the classroom.  You’re not helping yourself or the team by sitting on the bench if you become ineligible.
  • Parents and/or Players sign up for Remind immediately. This will be our main form of contact outside of practice. You can follow the directions indicated in the photo at the end of this letter.
  • Practice will be held behind St. Mary’s school at Stubbles Field.  Public students will have a shuttle provided after school with Coach Kelly.
  • Upcoming dates(Subject to change)

Wednesday 8/16/23    5:30            Helmet and Shoulder pads handout in Public Elementary Gym Move across the hall to the Cafeteria for Uniforms, Housekeeping, and short meeting for Players and Parents.

  • Monday 8/21/23    3:30-5:30      Practice Starts @SESM Stubbles Field(Shuttle Bus from SEPS)

We are looking forward to seeing all of you this fall!    

Coach Craig Murphy
Coach Zach Kelly
Coach Andrew Neid

Download the Remind App or go to and sign up for free.  Use team code below to join. Send a text to 81010, Text this message: @seujrhigh